Tutorials & Guides

My main desktop is a AMD Threadripper 1950x and a Vega 64 so when I am not using it for gaming or for work I want it to be mining coins. The problem is that sometimes I forget to start XMRStak after a long day…

Coinbase fees can be high. If you withdraw your coins from Coinbase directly you will be charged a network transfer fee for your withdrawal. Currently, for Bitcoin, this can be a very high fee due to how congested the BTC network is. This guide will…

How To Setup Awesome Miner For Nvidia & AMD

Written by Newman on December 17, 2017

This how-to is intended for people with moderate computer prowess. Awesome Miner can be configured for AMD GPU and nVidia GPU mining with ease. CPU mining takes more effort and will be a future article.

Buy Windows 10 Pro Key For Only $31 USD

Written by CC Freak on December 9, 2017

I see so many people paying over $100 for a Windows 10 license for simply their mining rigs. This is way too much and there are better ways to get a key than dishing out over $100. Below I will write a quick guide on…

Video card drivers can be a pain in the ass with Windows. Especially when you are installing both AMD and Nvidia at the same time. Usually if I have crashes or errors pop up my first go to solution is to simply start fresh with…

Edit: This article is now outdated. Please use this article instead: Guide To Mining Monero On Windows 10. Mining Monero with xmr-stak-amd is pretty straightforward. It is one of the best miners as it is very customizable. This guide will walk you through setting up…

5 Steps To Convert Aeon To USD

Written by CC Freak on November 21, 2017

So you have been mining Aeon and you want to now turn that into profits? It will require a few steps but nothing that will take more than 1 hour of setup time. Once it is setup then it will take very few steps in…

Aeon Mining with Aeon-Stak-CPU on Windows 10

Written by CC Freak on November 16, 2017

Mining Aeon on Windows 10 is as easy as downloading a zip file, extracting it and then editing one configuration file.

This article will take a look at mining Monero with xmr-stak-nvidia. This article assumes that you have successfully installed your Nvidia drivers and Cuda.

Aeond and Simple Wallet Compile On Centos 7

Written by CC Freak on October 25, 2017

This guide will show you how to compile Aeond and Simple Wallet on Centos 7. First lets make sure we have all the required packages: