centos 7

This article will take a look at mining Monero with xmr-stak-nvidia. This article assumes that you have successfully installed your Nvidia drivers and Cuda.

Aeond and Simple Wallet Compile On Centos 7

Written by CC Freak on October 25, 2017

This guide will show you how to compile Aeond and Simple Wallet on Centos 7. First lets make sure we have all the required packages:

Aeon Mining with aeon-stak-cpu on Centos 7

Written by CC Freak on October 20, 2017

Aeon-stak-cpu allows you to mine Aeon via your CPU. This article will show you how to setup aeon-stak-cpu on Centos 7.

So you just received a bunch of credits from a VPS provider and you want to start mining or simply host a node. A simple way to protect your new Centos 7 mining and/or node server is to install Fail2ban to prevent SSH brute force…

My previous article showed how to mine Monero using cpuminer-multi. This article will take a look at xmr-stak-cpu, which in my testing, performs much better for Monero than cpuminer-multi does.

Update: Please see these articles for a better way to mine Monero on CPUs This guide will show you how to compile CPUMiner-Multi on Centos 7 for mining Monero.

The company I work for has a lot of servers that are mostly used as web servers. They all run Centos 7 and for the most part are way over powered for the traffic that they serve. They are a perfect example of a way…